Research Activities

Completed Research Activities: 2023-2024

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements


An Experimental study to assess the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation on exercise tolerance and degree of dyspnea among clients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a selected area of Maharashtra.


A true experimental study to assess effectiveness of Acupressure therapy on blood pressure among Hypertensive clients in selected hospitals, Maharashtra.


A comparative study on evaluation of clinical performance of nursing student on antenatal assessment by OSCE verse traditional method in selected educational institution, Maharashtra.


A pre- experimental study to assess the effectiveness of Warm mustard oil massage on back pain among post-natal mother’s in selected hospitals in Maharashtra.


An experimental study to assess the effect of Buteyko breathing technique among children with bronchial asthma in a hospital in Maharashtra.


An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Mustard Plaster Application on knee joint pain Among Elderly Clients in Selected Community at Maharashtra.


A true experimental study to assess fennel seeds juice effectiveness on menstrual pain among young adolescent girls in selected nursing college, Maharashtra.


A study to assess the effectiveness of plan teaching program related to menstrual cup among the adolescent girls in selected higher secondary school at Maharashtra.


A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding fire emergency triage among students/ nurses.


A study to assess effectiveness of flip class-room design on academic performance student’s satisfaction and self-efficacy in undergraduate nursing students.


A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls at selected college of Maharashtra.


A study to evaluating the levels of depression, anxiety and stress in women undergoing IVF treatment at selected clinics.


A study to assess the adjustment problems of adolescence in relation of emotional intelligence among GNM I Year students in selected nursing schools at Maharashtra.


A study to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding management of modifiable risk factors of back-pain among obese adults in selected community Maharashtra.


A study to assess the impact of maternal education on knowledge regarding making healthy food choices for school going children among mothers in a selected community area, Maharashtra.


A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge of middle aged adults regarding lifestyle modification for prevention of selected non communicable diseases in selected community, Maharashtra.


A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding selected waterborne diseases and its prevention among mothers of under-five children in a selected  rural area, Lote.

Completed Research Activities: 2022-2023

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of epsom salt fermentation on knee joint pain among old age people at selected rural area at Maharashtra
2A study to assess the effectiveness of demonstration on levels of knowledge of skills regarding cardio pulmonary resuscitation among rickshaw drivers in selected area, Maharashtra.
3A study to assess the effectiveness of garlic consumption on the levels of blood pressure among stage-I hypertensive clients in selected areas of Maharashtra.
4Effectiveness of pre-recorded relaxation music on level of occupational stress among the staff nurses at selected hospitals Maharashtra.
5A study to assess the knowledge regarding occupational safety measures among nurses working in oncology unit.
6A study to assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among adolescent’s girls in selected higher secondary school Chiplun.
7A study to assess level of knowledge regarding complementary diet among mother of infant at Janata hospital with the view to develop learning module.
8A study to assess stressors among family members of elderly hospitalized patient in Life care hospital, Chipun.
9A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding immunization schedule among the mothers of under five children in view to provide information pamphlet at selected rural area.
10A study to assess the risk  of deep vein thrombosis among patient admitted in Life care hospital.
11A study to assess prevalence of hypertension among antenatal mother in selected hospital.
12A study to assess knowledge regarding breast feeding techniques among primigravida mothers at selected hospital in view to distribute pamphlets.
13A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge among mothers regarding preschool children diet at selected anganwadi, Ambadas, Khed.
14A study to assess the oral health status & knowledge regarding oral hygienic practices among junior college students at nutan mahavidyalay, Ghanekhunt – Lote.
15A study assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of varicose vein among the industrial workers at Khed taluka.
16A study assess prevalence of smartphone associated health hazards among junior college students at Chiplun in view prepare information booklet.
17A comparative study to assess the knowledge among mothers regarding prevention of acute respiratory infection among under-five children at selected rural & urban areas of Ghanekhunt, Khed.
18A study to assess the knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care among antenatal mothers at sub-district hospital, Dapoli.
19A study to evaluate the effectiveness of an information books on knowledge regarding food hygiene among women in selected urban community area of Khed.
20A study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding nocturnal enuresis & its management among children between 5 -10 years at selected rural area of Khed.
21 A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of mothers regarding management of dianoia in under five children at Khed.
22A study to assess the knowledge regarding organ donation among 12th standard students studying in Nutan Junior College Lote, Khed.
23 An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding hand washing techniques among the nursing students.
24 A study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module (SIM) on level of knowledge on interpretation & management of cardiac arrhythmias among staff nurses.
25A comparative study to assess the level of stress and comping tartaric adopted by staff nurses in psychiatric hospitals in selected districts of Maharashtra, with view to develop information booklet.

Completed Research Activities: 2021-2022

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1To assess the effectiveness of selected exercises on the level of systolic blood pressure among post- menopausal women in selected areas, Maharashtra.
2A quasi- experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of chromotherapy on the levels of anxiety and depression among the cancer patients admitted in hospitals at selected areas.
3A true experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Helfer skin tap technique on the levels of pain during intramuscular injection among adolescents in selected hospital, Maharashtra.
4Effect of guided imagery on the level of academic stress among the students of basic b. sc. nursing studying in selected nursing colleges, Maharashtra.
5A study to assess knowledge on prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis and its associated risk factors among primary care givers in selected area of Maharashtra, with a view to develop an information booklet.
6A descriptive study to assess level  of knowledge about covid-19 & attitude towards covid vaccination among selected staff nurses in Maharashtra in view to develop an information booklet.
7The effectiveness of bibliotherapy on level of depression among the old age population at selected old age homes, Maharashtra.
8To assess the level of stress and stressors among nursing students residing in hostels of nursing colleges in selected areas of Maharashtra.
9A study to the knowledge and attitude on disaster preparedness among people residing in selected areas of Maharashtra with a view to prepare information booklet .
10A study to assess the perception regarding permanent family planning method among the couples in rural community.
11A comparative study to assess practices regarding prevention of selected vector borne diseases among adults residing in selected urban and rural community area.
12A Study to assess the effectiveness of demonstration practice regarding kangaroo mother care among the postnatal mother in selected hospitals, of Maharashtra
13A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training programme among newly diagnosed cardiac patients.
14A study to assess the problems faced by nursing students in learning nursing subjects in selected nursing colleges, Maharashtra.
15A explorative study to assess the impact of pubg game on behavioural pattern among the adolescence reported by mother in selected area.
16A study to assess the level of knowledge and practices of domestic water purification system among households in selected area, Maharashtra.
17A study to assess the perception about the effect of exiting inc examination promoting (ATKT) pattern among B. B. Sc.(N) students.
18explorative study to assess the barriers in communicating with patient during clinical posting among nursing student in a selected hospital at Maharashtra.
19A study to assess problems faced by wives of alcoholic dependant husbands in selected areas of Maharashtra.
20A study to assess stressors and coping strategies among students in selected nursing college.
21A study to assess the perception regarding positive self-talk reducing anger among adolescents in selected high school.

Completed Research Activities: 2020-2021

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1A study to assess the effectiveness of skill training programme on knowledge and skills of cardio pulmonary resuscitation among adolescents in selected higher secondary school of  Maharashtra.
2Assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding temper tantrum and its management in pre-schoolers among anganwadi workers at selected anganwadis in Maharashtra with a view to develop an information booklet.
3A study to assess the effectiveness of Benson relaxation therapy on level of blood pressure among hypertensive patients in selected area of Maharashtra.
4A quasi-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of mediyoga on blood pressure and quality of life among hypertensive patients in selected rural area of Maharashtra.
5A study to assess the effectiveness of foot massage on level of pain among post open heart surgery patients admitted in cardiac care unit at selected hospitals, Maharashtra.
6A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and ability to perform selected yoga asanas for reducing menstrual complaints during menstruation among adolescent girls in selected schools in Maharashtra.
7A quasi-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of selected oropharyngeal exercises on level of obstructive sleep apnoea among coronary artery disease patients attending cardiac OPD at selected hospital in Maharashtra.
8Effectiveness of brief cognitive behaviour therapy on level of assertiveness among staff nurses working in selected hospitals, Maharashtra.
9A quasi experiment study to assess effectiveness of drumstick leaves powder consumption among selected hypertensive patients in selected rural area of Maharashtra.
10A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding modifiable factors of renal calculi among adults in selected rural area, Maharashtra with a view prepare an informational booklet.
11A study to assess level of knowledge regarding growth and development in toddlers (1-3 years) among mothers of selected area Ghanekhunt- Lote.
12A study to assess level of academic stress among 12th standards students studying in Annansaheb Bhehere Junior College, Lavel.
13A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of diabetic foot among diabetes patients at Khed taluka.
14A study to find out prevalence of dysmenorrhoea among adolescent girls in selected school of Khed.
15A study to assess knowledge regarding human milk bank among antenatal mothers in selected hospitals at Ratnagiri district.
16A study to assess the quality of life among alcohol addict persons in selected urban area at Ratnagiri district.
17A study to assess knowledge regarding anorexia nervosa among nursing students in selected nursing institute at Ratnagiri.
18A study to assess knowledge regarding premenstrual syndrome among the college going girls of MES College of Nursing, Lote.
19A study to assess knowledge regarding social media addiction and its ill effects among the college going student at college of nursing.

Completed Research Activities: 2019-2020

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding ill-effects of pesticides on health and its preventive measures among the farmers in selected rural area at Ratnagiri district, a view to develop an information guide – sheet.
2A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding universal immunization program among the mother of under five children residing at Ghanekhunt -Lote with a view to develop an information guide sheet.
3A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding post-disaster management among young adult residing at disaster affected area at Khed, with a view to develop an information booklet.
4A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding cervical cancer among junior college girls with a view to develop an information guide sheet at selected college, Khed taluka.
5A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding cold chain management of vaccines among the multipurpose health workers working at primary health centre in Chiplun taluka.
6A study to assess knowledge regarding care of scorpion sting and its complications among farmer residing in rural area, Chiplun with the view to develop an information guide sheet.
7Study to assess the level of knowledge regarding attention deficit hyperactive disorder in children among primary school teachers in selected primary schools at Maharashtra.
8 A study to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme on knowledge regarding negative impact of cellular mobile phone use on health among junior college students in a selected college, Maharashtra
9A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding nutritional status & dietary intake pattern of under-five children among mothers in selected rural area, at Maharashtra, with aview to develop a health information booklet.
10 A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge & practice regarding prevention of coronary artery disease among diabetes mellitus patients in selected hospital, Maharashtra.
11A study to assess effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding myths & misconceptions of mental illness among people residing in a selected rural area, Maharashtra.
12A study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge & practice regarding prevention of respiratory tract infections among the people residing near industrial area.
13A comparative study to assess the level of knowledge regarding management of premenopausal symptoms among working & non-working women in selected district on Maharashtra, with view to develop an information booklet.
14An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of cryotherapy (cold therapy) on contralateral arm during arteriovenous fistula puncture related pain among haemodialysis patients during haemodialysis in selected hospitals, Maharashtra.
15 A study to assess the level of knowledge & practice regarding first aid management of snake bite among farmers in selected rural area of Maharashtra, with a view to develop an information booklet.
16A descriptive study to assess risk for developing nomophobia among nursing students in a selected college of nursing, Maharashtra: with a view to develop an information booklet.
17A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on levels of knowledge regarding selected forms of cyber bullying and its psychological effects among teenagers studying in a selected high school, Maharashtra.
18A study to assess the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training program on level of dyspnoea among heart failure patients attending cardiac tertiary care centres, Maharashtra.
19 A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding life style modifications among patients after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in a selected hospital, Maharashtra.
20 A study to assess the effectiveness of knowledge regarding risk factors & preventive measures for suicidal behaviour among the adolescents studying in selected higher secondary college, Maharashtra.
21 A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding use of injectable contraceptive among women in selected rural areas, Maharashtra.

Completed Research Activities: 2018-2019

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding iron and folic acid deficiency anemia among antenatal mother at selected hospital Kalambani, Khed with a view to developed an information guide sheet.
2A descriptive study to assess level of knowledge regarding the psychological problem among post – menopausal women living in selected urban area at Guhaghar, with a view to develop an information guide sheet.
3An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of ice application in the reduction of pain before giving intramuscular injection among adult patient in selected hospital at Kalambani, taluka- Khed.
4a study to assess the effectiveness of acupressure in reliving pain among primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girl at selected school of Ratnagiri district.
5A study to evaluate the effectiveness of health teaching programme on knowledge regarding adverse effect of self medication among adult in a selected area at Khed taluka.
6A study to assess the knowledge regarding cervical cancer among the women age between 30 to 50 year residing at village Dhamani.
7A study to assess the effectiveness of hot fomentation on reducing the degree of thrombophlebitis among adult patient admitted in a selected hospital of Ratnagiri district.
8A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding care of older people among their family member residing in selected rural community Awashi, Khed.
9A study to assess knowledge regarding end-of life care among staff nurses who are working at the selected hospitals at Ratnagiri district.
10A study to assess effectiveness of structured teaching programme a knowledge regarding prevention and management of hypertension among adult who are residing selected area at Dapoli.
11A study to assess effectiveness of structured teaching programme an knowledge regarding cataract and its management among old age people at selected hospital , Ratnagiri
12A study to assess the level of anxiety and depression among wife’s of alcoholic dependent husband in selected areas of Dapoli .
13A n experimental study to assess the effectiveness of diversional therapy on reduction of level of a pain during any invasive procedure among the school going children in a selected paediatric hospital Chiplun.
14A study to assess the level of depression among an old age people residing in selected rural areas, Khed.
15A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding torch infection among the antenatal mother who are residing at rural areas at selected hospital Ratnagiri district with the view to develop an information guide sheets.
16A descriptive study to assess the psychological impact of selected mobile video games among the teenagers at a selected school, Khed, Ratnagiri.
17A n experimental study to assess the effectiveness of epsom salt fomentation an knee joint pain among old age people at selected rural area in Dapoli taluka.
18A descriptive study to asses level of knowledge regarding urinary tract infection during pregnancy among the antenatal mother in selected hospital at the Khed with a view to develop a information guide sheets.
19A study to assess the level of knowledge regarding early detection and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among primary school teachers in selected primary school at Khed ,with a view to develop an information guide sheets .
20A descriptive study to assess level of knowledge regarding breast feeding among postnatal mothers at selected hospital, Ratnagiri district.
21A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program an knowledge regarding dementia  and its management among adult at age group 45 to 65 years in selected ares of Sawarda (Kagarkond).
22A study to assess the knowledge regarding oketani breast massage technique among staff nursing in selected hospital Dapoli taluka with the view to develop an information guide sheets.

Completed Research Activities: 2017-2018

Sr. No. Research Problem Statements
1A study to assess the effectiveness of helfer skin taps technique on pain reduction among adult patients receiving intramuscular injection at sub-district hospital Dapoli.
2A study to assess the knowledge regarding management of selected natural disasters among NCC cadets at United English School, Chiplun.
3A study to assess the level of job satisfaction & subjective well being among nursing staff at selected hospital, Ratnagiri.
4A study to assess the nomophobia among the students studying at selected college Chiplun.
5 A study to assess effectiveness of health education programme on knowledge regarding importance of colostrum feeding among third trimester antenatal mothers at sub – district hospital, Dapoli,
6 A study to assess effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding cervical cancer & prevention among the adolescent girls at Sahajian College, Khed.
7 A study to assess the knowledge regarding identification & management of learning disabilities in school children among primary school teachers at selected marathi medium school of Chiplun city, Ratnagiri with a view to develop an information booklet.
8A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding lifestyle modification of diabetic patients visited at diabetic OPD at selected hospital, Khed.
9 A study to assess the attitude towards prevention of female feticide among reproductive age group woman between 21 – 35 years at selected rural area, Khed.
10A study to assess effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on knowledge regarding breast self-examination among students girls at R.C. Junior College, Chiplun.
11A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme among mothers of under five children regarding knowledge of prevention of rabies among under five children in selected rural community at Popali.
12A study to assess the knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian syndrome among the junior college girls at Annasaheb Beharay  Junior CollegeLavel, Khed with a view to develop an information booklet.
13A study to assess the knowledge & attitude of teachers regarding importance of play in all round development of children at selected schools of Ghanekhunt – Lote
14A study to evaluate the effectiveness of audio visual aids on knowledge of self administration of insulin among diabetes mellitus patients attending outpatient department at selected hospital , Chiplun.
15A study to assess knowledge on nursing profession among 12th  standard students in Nutan Mahavidyalay, Ghanekhunt – Lote .
16A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding post – operative self – care among patients undergoing cataract surgery at selected eye hospital, Chiplun.
17A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding daily foetal movement count among primigravida mothers at sub – district hospital, Dapoli.
18A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge among mothers regarding prevention of selected food borne diseases in under five children of selected areas of Ambadas, Khed.
19A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of osteoporosis among postmenopausal women in selected rural areas in Chiplun.
20A study to assess the knowledge regarding effectiveness of structured teaching programme on umbilical card blood banking among staff nurses in selected hospitals, Chiplun.
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